About Kengo

25 Years of Innovation
Since is random text again, the awesome Intern strikes again! This time is about Iron Man.
I love Iron Man he is the coolest superhero ever!!! So quirky!! I especially love the situation I have here,
if you know what I mean ;). Oh god that random text is so long, how the heck am I able to do this? Awesome intern have its limit!!!! Well I have to pass it to become an even more awesome intern. Wow this is not an easy task but I will not resort to typing jibberish but I dun thk I m reli far off from the target.

Environmental Friendly
Well I guess you will know the flow by now. Awesome Intern here B-). I am the living embodiment of Monty here. What is in the food I should not have questioned it, it gives me the burps, I am all burpy now, oh god this is so bad. Who would actually check out all these random text and understand them? I reli thk no one, but never say never so well there is always some unpossible things that could happen.

HSBC Living Business 2012
HSBC wow, I mean wow, BTW Awesome Intern here, if you cant tell right away. Anyways our topic here HSBC, this is a thinker. But the awesome intern shall prevail! If I am the living Embodiment of Monty, then HSBC is the living embodiment of the principle. If anyone tell me this is going to far, I will name them as Captain BuzzKill and I am Doctor Funtime. Humm I need to right these down, these are comedy gold here!